maudesign letak

Brief description, 'maudesign - solutions'

Here at the MauDesign we love complex systems, 'real CMS-es', content management systems, we love when our clients have the possibility to administer every aspect of their website, with every website we make, we make an education course for the use of the website as well as the continuous support which in some cases lasts more than 10 years. We constantly monitor and update the modules so that the security level is always at the top, and it's made possible by this CMF (content management framework), this is also one of its top quality...


Kratki opis 'maudesign - riješenja'

Ovdje u Maudesign-u volimo kompleksnije sustave, 'prave CMS-ove', sustave za upravljenje sadržajima, volimo kada naši klijenti imaju mogućnost upravljanja svakim dijelom svoje stranice, uz svaku stranicu koju napravimo, odradimo i obuku za korištenje a uz to i podršku koja se u nekim slučajevima odvija već više od 10 godina. Stalno pratimo i osvježavamo module kako bi sigurnost stranica bila vrhunska što ovaj CMF (content management framework) u kojem radimo i omogućuje, ujedno mu je i to jedna od najjačih strana...